Brazil News and Events

In late October the government inspectors visited our school in Monte Santo, Bahia, Brazil. One of them is holding the more than 300 pages of documents required to make the final application.

The inspectors were satisfied that the documentation can now be submitted to the State government.  It may then be approved, or there may be physical modifications to the school or other changes required before they can begin offering 10th grade. So far as we know, 10th grade in February is still a possibility. It is urgently needed. It’s still difficult and relatively rare for children in in the Monte Santo area to complete high school. Pray for this process to be accomplished to God’s glory and for the benefit of the children.



Grandma Nana’s Corner

For several years I have been looking for an opportunity to visit Cantinho da Vovó Naná (Grandma Nana’s Corner – named after the woman who donated the original house and land), in Ibirité, Minas Gerais, Brazil. My opportunity came in August. This child development center is also located in an area plagued by drug trafficking.  … Read more

Amazing Ministry to Children

I spent two days at Todo Mundo Feliz (Everyone’s Happy) in late August.  This top-notch child development center was started by the Mirandopolis Free Methodist Church in São Paulo, Brazil.  It was deliberately established right on the edge of a slum area where drug traffickers are the law.  Todo Mundo Feliz (TMF) was begun in … Read more