Against All Odds!

I’ll never forget meeting Jenny Orozco. With a twinkle in her eye, a happy smile, and a contagious laugh, she made even a visitor feel welcome and immediately at home. As we wove through Managua, Nicaragua, rush-hour traffic heading toward a section of town called René Polanco, I sensed her love for this place and … Read more

Sheltering Arms

The acronym “TLC” is often used in place of the words “tender, loving care”. About 14 girls, ranging in age from 5 to 17, are in the sheltering arms of the Free Methodist Church in Bogotá, Colombia, and most directly being nourished and protected by a woman they all call Mama Ruth. Through her, they receive … Read more

“I’m Nova Havana Nuez and this is my Success Story”

I begin with thanksgiving, thanking God that I was raised in a Christian home with two good parents and was introduced to God at a young age. I don’t remember a specific day when I first accepted Christ, but it was probably in one of our camps when I was 12 years old that I fully understood the gift of salvation.

I grew up as a PK (a pastor’s kid). Growing up, I watched my parents undergo a lot of sacrifices and hardship in their ministry; God was real and was doing something real in their lives. I was challenged and inspired to taste and see, so I become a pastor like them.

My papa died when I was 14. I am sure he’s proud of us for the legacy that continues in me and now in my brother. Being a PK has given me the privilege to avail ICCM sponsorship and scholarship. ICCM has afforded me an opportunity to be who I am. My life has been changed and helped through ICCM.

I’m so happy I’ve been able to give back as one of the staff in an ICCM project, the Door of Hope. What I do is amazingly challenging yet rewarding. Being a Project Director was really a huge responsibility for me and at the same time, I am a part-time Assistant in the National Office. My first thought was not to accept that job, but God assured me, “I can do all things THROUGH HIM who will strengthen me.” Indeed a challenge was given and accepted. There may be some hard times but there’s also great joy in serving God by engaging in the lives of the children. I also learned to improve my communication and leadership skills every day with everyone I meet. I learned to be a cheerleader, an encourager, and a listener. I love the fact that I did it! Thank God! It was far from my personality — I was a shy and a silent one. He is really a God of Transformation.

What I like most being part of this is all the people I work with and the friendships I have developed. The atmosphere of working together is one factor that encourages me, and to have that heart and vision to help these young ones succeed. Being here year after year was a humbling experience with the best and expanding friendships. The respect and trust have always had an indescribable and positive effect on me.

What I am most grateful for is to be one of the workers here in ICCM. I am proud of it. Most of all I am so blessed and thankful for the guidance of all the people I look up to, my mentors and co-workers. Their availability and support has truly made a huge difference and made me feel not alone.

Thank you ICCM Family, for the gift of being there, for the trust given to me. I thank God every day for these wonderful experiences I have and will be ahead. There will be millions of more children to be touched and changed and shared God’s love through ICCM. Cheers!! Blessings.

Note: Nova wrote this two years ago. On Dec. 6, 2015, she tragically died in a fire. She is missed throughout the Philippines and by all of us who knew and loved her. She was an amazing and gifted young woman. Nova is pictured at left with a sponsored child and at right, second from the right, with her ICCM co-workers in Door of Hope, Davao City

Changing Futures in Addis Abada

The streets of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, teem with children. They shine shoes, sell gum, and do whatever they can to survive. Unfortunately, these kids are vulnerable to traffickers. Child slavery is big business in Ethiopia, where almost 400,000 people, mostly women, and children, are held against their will and forced to work in ways they … Read more

Brook Hills FMC – Liberia Connection

In February, Brooke Hills Free Methodist Church (BHFMC), Wellsburg, WV, took another bold step in their growing partnership with the Free Methodist Church in Liberia, Africa. Pastor Bryce Grieco and two leaders from BHFMC accompanied Africa Area Director, Mike Reynen, and Liberian National Mission District Leader, Rev. Rufus Kahn, to a newly formed school in … Read more

Ready, Set, Go!

The Gunny Sack Race had begun! Six teams with 75 kids of all ages. Little Andrea didn’t stand a chance—except that she did! For a 3-foot-tall girl, the bag reached up past her shoulders, causing her to fall time after time. Even before tears of frustration could form, 12-year-old Daniela was right there hopping happily … Read more

The Gift that Kept on Giving

A highlight of one of my visits to Rwanda was to attend the celebration that accompanied the giving of the 32nd and 33rd cows in Binogo, the “great grand-calves” of some of the original 10 cows ICCM gave that region in 2001. A local committee decides which family will be the next recipient; they spend … Read more

“Amizero” Means Hope

In Rwandan culture, children with mental disabilities are stigmatized. This program for special kids is one of a very few aimed at bringing out the best in mentally challenged children and teens. Their parents are supported and equipped for their care; students learn life skills and vocational skills (the young man pictured below sewed the … Read more